The Team

Philip Taylor

Philip Taylor

Group Chairman

Philip gained his degree in Construction at Aston University, and for a short spell joined the builders, Wimpey, following which he decided he would prefer to work for himself, and as the saying goes the rest is history! Philip founded Oakapple in 1994 and has managed its growth from modest beginnings to the broad-based Property Development and Investment Group it has become.

His hands-on approach, his enthusiasm, and his drive and determination to succeed are well known to those who work with him. This applies to all aspects of his life, and for many years now, Philip has devoted a great deal of time and energy to fund-raising for charities, including Barnardo’s, of which he is Vice-Chair.

David Marsh

Financial Director

David is responsible for Oakapple’s financial affairs, and has helped to successfully steer the Group through the challenges of the global financial crisis of 2008 and its long aftermath. He has some 30 years’ experience of the Property and Development sector, including a number of Finance Director posts, and joined Oakapple in 2004.

David read Economics & Business Studies at Sheffield University, and following graduation worked for KPMG, qualifying as a member of the ICAEW in 1979.

Sean Mayes

Sean Mayes

Property & Development Director

Sean oversees the Group’s property activities including the development programme and investment portfolio. He has experience of property development and investment across many market sectors, having held senior positions with both a major distribution company and a national food retailer before joining Oakapple.

Sean is a Chartered Surveyor and holds a first class honours degree in Urban Estate Management.