Charitable Activities

The Group is particularly keen to help and encourage youngsters in many ways and our charitable activities are focused on fundraising and donations, or by actively helping young people.

Fundraising for Barnardo’s by the Firecracker Ball - Group Chairman Philip Taylor has been Chair of the organising committee since 2003. A Barnardo’s spokesperson said that “Phil Taylor has enabled the event to raise over £3 million for Barnardo’s work across Yorkshire in that time. His support for Barnardo’s is now wide and varied, and he became a Vice President of the organisation in 2007. Phil and the Oakapple team work tirelessly on behalf of Barnardo’s, and make a wonderful contribution to changing the lives of some of the most vulnerable children and young people in the country.”

The Stroke Association - Group Chairman Philip Taylor said ".....following my stroke some 12 years ago, the Stroke Association provided much needed support during my recovery. I realise what a valuable role The Stroke Association plays as a Charity, and want to continue our support for their work".


Causes we Support