Alsager Health Centre

            Project Information:

            A project which saw the coming together of two practices into a single building of some 30,000 sq ft with 75 parking spaces. The scheme includes NHS Community Services and an on-site pharmacy which is operated by the Co-op. The development was secured by Oakapple following a competitive bidding process and was the first of a number of projects completed with the former Central & Eastern Cheshire PCT.

            The Client’s Viewpoint

            “Our patients and staff are delighted with our new Health Centre. We feel very privileged to have worked with an organisation as professional, understanding and supportive as Oakapple. I have no hesitation in recommending their services.”

            Pat Barber, Practice Manager Cedars Medical Centre

            Case Study

            The Completed Scheme

            The completed scheme is affectionately known at Oakapple as the banana building - the reason why should be obvious from the photographs! We were assured by the Architect that this was the best way to make use of the site and it has certainly proved a talking point both within the local community and all involved in the development. The curved shape of the building affected many aspects of the design both outside and inside - there are some square rooms in the building, but not many!

            As the first floor benefits from greater natural light it accommodates treatment/consulting rooms including dentistry, audiology, podiatry and physiotherapy,  with access via two lifts.

            The local Co-op Pharmacy also relocated from nearby premises into the development, with plans to widen the service they were providing.

            The Brief

            The former PCT had ambitious plans to expand services and bring health providers together into new larger centres throughout their district. The Alsager development was needed to replace two premises owned by the local GP Practices and a health clinic owned by the PCT.

            The two GP Practices, the Cedars and Merepark were enthusiastic about the plans, but at the same time wished to retain their own identities, and this became a key element of the brief. The PCT assessed the services they would want to locate in the new premises, and could foresee the need to expand in the future. In total some 30,000 sq ft of space was required.

            The Site

            There was no obvious site for the new development in Alsager, and Oakapple were charged with finding a location with easy access for patients, both on foot and by car. We eventually agreed to assemble a site around the PCT Clinic and adjoining Cedars surgery, and acquired in total five separate adjoining parcels of land, possibly our most difficult ever land assembly! In the event all were delighted that the new building would be in what was seen as an ideal location.

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